Yesterday was my stepson’s first little league game. Very exciting for all involved. The pre-game show was extremely entertaining, as the “first-years” played something resembling baseball – there were bats, balls and mitts, however when the ball reached the field all the children threw themselves in a pile over the ball. Then a small figure would emerge from the bottom of the pile proudly displaying the baseball he had “caught”. It kind of reminded me of a rugby scrum.
Vinny did awesome. His batting stance made me a bit apprehensive, however he did get off a few good ones. My husband, bless him, was a bit more anxious than was probably necessary. It was brought to his attention by two of us that Vincent’s batting stance could use, well, a lot of help. Both heads were bitten cleanly off. Apparently, Jamie’s manhood will be decided by Vinny’s success or failure in the cut-throat world of T-Ball.
I’m pulling for you honey.Labels: baseball, family, humor, little league |
Cast and crew, part 1 |
Before I get into quirky anecdotal tales from the Perry-Trinchitella household, I just want to give everyone a brief overview or glossary, if you will, of the main characters in the ongoing saga that is my life.
Sean: Son, aged 21, currently living outside Chicago. Sean is much like me in many ways, dripping with sarcasm, liberal, detests organized religion, loves his music, and is extremely opinionated to the point of being obnoxious on occasion. My recent favorite Sean moment: On Christmas 2007, Sean admitted to me that he voted for George W. Bush in the last election. This was a dirty, dirty secret he withheld from me for 3 years. I thought it was funny though (after beating him senseless) that he was literally afraid to tell me about it for so long. But he’s back on the Democratic band-wagon, so I’m willing to let bygones be bygones and reclaim him as my son. I've included a photo of one of his favorite bands - we're so proud.
Jamie: Husband, aged 38, currently living outside SLC. Jamie is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me, aside from my son. Jamie is the youngest of 8 children, 6 of them girls. Jamie knows the importance of yogurt to women while taking antibiotics, and can color my hair. Jamie has a raunchy sense of humor, and, let’s call a spade a spade, can be a big baby. My favorite recent Jamie moment: While trying to determine my foot size for Mother’s Day slippers, he called me posing as pervert with a foot fetish (in his best creepy, slimy voice), wanting to know if I had big feet. I’m not sure how much of a stretch this was for him - it sounded like he had a lot of practice. I've included a photo from our wedding. I just had my eyebrows done - I never felt prettier.
Julie: Sister, aged 36, currently living in Chicago. Julie is without a doubt my best friend. I mean sure, we tried to kill each other several times in Jr. High, but what's a little attempted homicide between sista's? Seriously, Julie and I have been through the worst and best times of our lives together. We can read each other like a book. On the phone, after a single syllable I can tell if she's pissed, and usually who at (although usually this is the same person). And the same with me. What sucks most is that she lives so far away. One of my favorite Julie moments: When I was still dating, my boyfriend and I went to Julie and Matt's for dinner. We were all in the basement, with the boyfriend and I leaning against the back of a couch. Julie casually goes to walk in front of us, then stops suddenly. She raises a knee, pulls back her fist, and blew ass like I had never heard before or since. Her husband was not amused, however we about pissed ourselves laughing so hard. Her harmonious, zen-like relationship with her gastro-intestinal system is one of her most endearing qualities, I think. I've attached her wedding photo as well. I'm the pretty one on the left. As you can see, the bitch cut me off in the photo - she's always been jealous of my looks.
That's it for now. There's a few more dossiers I will be sharing with you soon - I'm sure you'll be waiting with bated breath.Labels: family, humor |